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Size: 147 kb
Downloads: 2950
Cutthroat Island
Action, Adventure, Fighting, Side-Scrolling
Size: 700 kb
Downloads: 1778
Cutthroat Island In this game you play the role of a pirate lady called Morgan who was given a piece of a map by her father before he died. In the game you set out to find more pieces of the map so that you can find the hidden treasure buried on Cutthroat Island. The gameplay involves you scrolling along the screen and... Read more »
Cuty Suzuki no Ringside Angel
Action, Sports (Wrestling), Anime / Manga, Platform
Size: 259 kb
Downloads: 811
Cuty Suzuki no Ringside Angel "Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel" is a wrestling game in which you can choose to play as one of the nine female wrestlers available. Each girl has her own strengths and weaknesses. There are three modes in the game: you can fight against any of the opponents with the character you have chosen;... Read more »
Action, Cyberpunk / Dark Sci-Fi, Puzzle-Solving, Shooter, 1st-Person Perspective
Size: 243 kb
Downloads: 959
Cyber-Cop A first person shooter that requires you to think things through rather than just attack anything that moves. This game preceded Wolfenstein 3D by a number of years, and while the walls were not ray cast, but solid fill polygons, it was still one of the earliest simulations to tackle a human viewpoint... Read more »
Sports (Football (American)), Strategy, Sci-Fi / Futuristic
Size: 266 kb
Downloads: 2386
CyberBall After American Football players started cheating by using bionic parts, the game was forced to change its rules. By 2022, the game was played not by humans, but two teams of seven robots. To spice things up, the usual pig skin ball was replaced with a 350 pound bomb.Cyberball brings this fast and furious... Read more »
Cyborg Justice
Action, Fighting, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Side-Scrolling
Size: 400 kb
Downloads: 4331
Cyborg Justice You are a member of the Galatic Unity Agency on routine patrol in deep space when your patrol ship is damaged after accidently passing through a meteor storm and starts to lose control, smashing into a nearby planet and blacking out. The next thing you remember you are rummaging through scrap metal... Read more »

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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