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Game Screenshot Brief description
Star Wars Arcade (32X)
Size: 1446 kb
Downloads: 1573
Star Wars Arcade (32X)  
Role-Playing (RPG), Real-Time, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Top-Down
Size: 366 kb
Downloads: 3220
Starflight A long time ago, a great empire comprised of Humans, Velox, Thrynn and Elowan ruled the stars. The Empire's currency was an energy source called Endurium. But something happened and this empire is no more. Furthermore, the small colony world named Arth has forgotten this heritage and technology. 1000... Read more »
Action, Arcade, Shooter, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1426 kb
Downloads: 2912
Stargate Based on the movie of the same name, A mystical circular portal called a "Stargate" has been uncovered. In attempting to unlock it's secrets, it's power is unlocked creating a passageway to a different world named Abydos. A special forces team is sent to the new world to investigate but is... Read more »
Steel Empire, The
Action, Shooter, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1096 kb
Downloads: 954
Steel Empire, The The skies are populated by zeppelins, large battleships and flying fortresses. In this age of steel, the Motorhead Empire has conquered and enslaved almost the entire planet. The last free nation, the Republic of Silverhead, tries to bring the Motorhead Empire down using its newly developed weapon, the... Read more »
Steel Talons
Action, Simulation, Helicopter, Shooter, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 269 kb
Downloads: 492
Steel Talons Steel Talons brought realism-oriented helicopter combat to the arcades, and later to home systems. The action is viewed from behind your helicopter, with the 3D polygon world rotating around you, taking in mountains, rivers and deserts. There are 12 missions in total, each of which requires you to destroy... Read more »
Action, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 238 kb
Downloads: 747
Stormlord Badh the queen has imposed a terrible vengeance on the land by kidnapping the fairies. To restore things their rightful way, you must rescue them.As you progress through the levels of platform-adventure action, you will come across fairies which are rescued by touching them. Enemies include Venus Fly... Read more »
Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition
Action, Fighting, Martial Arts, Real-Time, 3rd-Person Perspective, Side-Scrolling
Size: 2321 kb
Downloads: 13871
Street Fighter II' - Special Champion Edition Most everyone familiar with electronic games has heard of Street Fighter II - the most famous beat-em-up series ever. Basically you get a bunch of fighters together (12 in this case) and get them to punch, kick, bite and thump the bejesus out of each other then you're close.Here yet another slightly... Read more »
Street Racer
Racing / Driving, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 501 kb
Downloads: 1394
Street Racer Street Racer is a fun racer like Super Mario KartUp to four players can play by split-screen. If there are no human opponents you can drive against seven computer opponents in three leagues. If you win the first league you can play the second and so on. The game has eight different vehicles with different... Read more »
Street Smart
Action, Arcade, Fighting, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 169 kb
Downloads: 3498
Street Smart An arcade beat 'em up, Street Smart puts you in the shoes of the ass-kicking "Karate Man" who decides to deliver a can of whup-ass to the reigning gang bangers in town.The game is played from a side-scrolling third person perspective in which you can move in any direction in a closed arena... Read more »
Streets of Rage
Action, Anime / Manga, Arcade, Fighting, Martial Arts, Side-Scrolling
Size: 340 kb
Downloads: 14572
Streets of Rage Streets of Rage, Sega's answer to Final Fight, follows the story of three young police officers (Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding) in a city controlled by a criminal syndicate led by a "Mr. X" where crime is rampant, which leads the three heroes to make a pact to leave the force and... Read more »

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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