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Game Screenshot Brief description
Gai Flame
Size: 133 kb
Downloads: 1409
Gai Flame  
Gaia no Monshou
Size: 103 kb
Downloads: 1417
Gaia no Monshou  
Galaga '90
Action, Arcade, Shooter, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 112 kb
Downloads: 1954
Galaga '90 Galaga '90 is a port of the arcade game Galaga '88.Galaga '90 takes the basic gameplay of Galaga and adds nicer graphics, triple ship abilities, parsec progression, power-ups, asteroids, bosses and other enhancements.Periodically the player encounters Challenging Stages, which are set to music and feature... Read more »
Games Express CD Card 1993
Size: 35 kb
Downloads: 549
Games Express CD Card 1993  
Ganbare Golf Boys
Size: 112 kb
Downloads: 522
Ganbare Golf Boys  
Gekisha Boy
Size: 242 kb
Downloads: 520
Gekisha Boy  
Genji Tsuushin Agedama
Size: 278 kb
Downloads: 1610
Genji Tsuushin Agedama  
Genpei Toumaden
Size: 279 kb
Downloads: 1716
Genpei Toumaden  
Ghost Manor
Size: 229 kb
Downloads: 1750
Ghost Manor  
Gokuraku! Chuuka Taisen
Size: 224 kb
Downloads: 1511
Gokuraku! Chuuka Taisen  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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