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Game Screenshot Brief description
Aldynes (SGX)
Size: 448 kb
Downloads: 2517
Aldynes (SGX)  
Alien Crush
Action, Pinball, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Top-Down
Size: 155 kb
Downloads: 2560
Alien Crush Alien Crush is an alien-themed video pinball game. The graphics feature strong similarities to the art from the "Alien" movies, and everything has a dark and sinister look.The main table is two screens high. There are at least 3 bonus games that are accessible from the top screen. Bonus... Read more »
Aoi Blink
Size: 226 kb
Downloads: 2232
Aoi Blink  
Appare Gateball
Size: 83 kb
Downloads: 1511
Appare Gateball  
Armed Formation F
Size: 128 kb
Downloads: 2032
Armed Formation F  
Artist Tool
Size: 46 kb
Downloads: 1523
Artist Tool  
Atomic Robo-Kid Special
Size: 177 kb
Downloads: 1823
Atomic Robo-Kid Special  
Av Poker
Size: 286 kb
Downloads: 1926
Av Poker  
Action, Arcade, Real-Time, Top-Down
Size: 99 kb
Downloads: 1859
Ballistix Psygnosis' Ballistix is an arcade game in which you have to manipulate a ball in order to score a goal with your opponent. To do this, you will control an arrow that defines a direction, and pressing the fire key will launch a ball from this arrow in the direction the arrow points to; by launching balls... Read more »
Bari Bari Densetsu
Size: 200 kb
Downloads: 2160
Bari Bari Densetsu  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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