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Game Screenshot Brief description
Soukou Kihei Votoms - The Battling Road
Size: 675 kb
Downloads: 401
Soukou Kihei Votoms - The Battling Road  
Soul & Sword
Size: 911 kb
Downloads: 582
Soul & Sword  
Soul Blazer
Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG), Medieval / Fantasy, Top-Down
Size: 975 kb
Downloads: 967
Soul Blazer SoulBlazer is an action RPG where you play as the good Hero fighting against evil. (Sound familiar?) The story takes place in the Friel empire, where greedy King Magridd has struck a deal with the King of Evil, Deathtoll. In return for the soul of one living being, he will exchange a single gold piece,... Read more »
Sound Novel Tsukuru
Size: 1676 kb
Downloads: 362
Sound Novel Tsukuru  
Sousa Sentai Wappers
Size: 1153 kb
Downloads: 364
Sousa Sentai Wappers  
Space Ace
Action, Flight, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Platform, Side-Scrolling, Top-Down
Size: 817 kb
Downloads: 661
Space Ace Borf has kidnapped Dexter's girlfriend Kimberly and is threatening to turn earth's population into babies using his "Infanto Ray". Naturally, Dexter cannot let this happen and sets out to stop Borf and rescue Kimberly.While following the same story as the Laserdisc conversions, the SNES version... Read more »
Space Football - One on One
Size: 204 kb
Downloads: 367
Space Football - One on One  
Space Invaders
Action, Shooter
Size: 117 kb
Downloads: 3834
Space Invaders A conversion of the classic arcade title, Space Invaders. This version, as part of the Arcade Classic series on Game Boy, has both 1 and 2 player modes using the usual 2 color Game Boy tones (black, grey) to re-create the addictive shooter. However, plug the cart into a Super Game Boy (an accessory of... Read more »
Space Megaforce
Action, Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter, Top-Down
Size: 740 kb
Downloads: 683
Space Megaforce Compile's Aleste series lands on the SNES with the appropriately named Super Aleste. Taking the role of a lone starfighter pilot, you are tasked with destroying an evil alien armada in standard 2D shooter fashion. And while you may be alone, you certainly won't be underpowered, with eight different types... Read more »
Spanky's Quest
Action, Puzzle-Solving, Side-Scrolling
Size: 278 kb
Downloads: 449
Spanky's Quest Spanky's Quest is a game about a monkey who decides to go on a picnic. While on his way through the forest he see's a witch in the sky and out of nowhere bricks begin to make a tower around the area Spanky is in. The witch challenges Spanky to come to the final tower and she will free him but before... Read more »

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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