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Game Screenshot Brief description
Super Racing
Size: 89 kb
Downloads: 377
Super Racing  
Super Smash TV
Action, Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter, 3rd-Person Perspective, Top-Down
Size: 86 kb
Downloads: 324
Super Smash TV The year is 1999. The world's most popular television show is Smash T.V., an ultra-violent contest between two armed-to-the-teeth combatants, set loose in a series of deadly arenas that are filled to bursting with hordes of mindless beasts and killer robots. The aim of the game is to blast everything... Read more »
Super Space Invaders
Action, Arcade, Shooter
Size: 117 kb
Downloads: 330
Super Space Invaders Remember that arcade classic Invaders? Well this game takes it to the next level with harder aliens, bosses, power ups, and a variety of scenery! Invaders come in several configurations for you to try to blast, and power-ups help you with more weapons to choose from.
Super Tank
Size: 20 kb
Downloads: 441
Super Tank  
Super Tennis
Size: 21 kb
Downloads: 344
Super Tennis  
Size: 77 kb
Downloads: 528
System BIOS
Size: 339 kb
Downloads: 365
System BIOS  
Taito Chase H.Q.
Action, Racing / Driving, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 51 kb
Downloads: 543
Taito Chase H.Q. As an undercover agent of Chase Headquarters, your job is to patrol the streets and track down five criminals. You are given a mission briefing before you start which gives information on the suspect and what car they drive. Then you drive across the city without crashing into other cars, and catch up... Read more »
Tanoshii Sansuu
Size: 8 kb
Downloads: 523
Tanoshii Sansuu  
Taz in Escape From Mars
Action, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 262 kb
Downloads: 691
Taz in Escape From Mars You play as Taz, the famous cartoon-character. Taz is captured by Marvin the Martian and transfered to his intergalactic Zoo! Now it is your job to aid Taz in his great escape from the Zoo-prison and also find a way back home to Earth. To make the escape a little easier, there are items placed here and... Read more »

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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