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Game Screenshot Brief description
Super Dodge Ball / Kuino no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu
Action, Sports, Anime / Manga, Arcade, Side-Scrolling
Size: 7046 kb
Downloads: 2528
Super Dodge Ball / Kuino no Nekketsu Toukyuu Densetsu Another Dodge Ball game featuring the Nekketsu Kunio Kun by Technos, who partnered with SNK to deliver an entirely next-gen version of their classic arcade/sports hit.Super Dodgeball uses the same basic gameplay used in the other games in the series with some minor differences. The game puts you in... Read more »
Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou
Size: 3177 kb
Downloads: 1171
Super Sidekicks / Tokuten Ou  
Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2: Real Fight Football
Size: 6688 kb
Downloads: 1197
Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship / Tokuten Ou 2: Real Fight Football  
Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3: Eikoue no Michi
Size: 9639 kb
Downloads: 2066
Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory / Tokuten Ou 3: Eikoue no Michi  
Syougi No Tatsujin: Master of Syuogi
Size: 3641 kb
Downloads: 595
Syougi No Tatsujin: Master of Syuogi  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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