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Game Screenshot Brief description
Ganso Jajamaru Kun
Size: 188 kb
Downloads: 448
Ganso Jajamaru Kun  
Gensou Maden Saiyuuki Retribution
Size: 409 kb
Downloads: 427
Gensou Maden Saiyuuki Retribution  
Glocal Hexcite
Size: 75 kb
Downloads: 435
Glocal Hexcite  
Golden Axe
Action, Arcade, Fighting, Medieval / Fantasy, Side-Scrolling
Size: 495 kb
Downloads: 557
Golden Axe Sega's classic arcade beat-'em-up game, Golden Axe puts in the shoes of one of three heroes, each with his own reason for trying to overthrow the evil rule of Death-Adder, who - along with his forces of darkness - kidnapped and imprisoned the King and his daughter and stole the legendary Golden Axe.This... Read more »
Gomoku Narabe & Reversi Touryuumon
Size: 73 kb
Downloads: 434
Gomoku Narabe & Reversi Touryuumon  
Gorakuoh TANGO!
Size: 123 kb
Downloads: 417
Gorakuoh TANGO!  
Guilty Gear Petit
Action, Anime / Manga, Arcade, Fighting, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Platform
Size: 535 kb
Downloads: 1427
Guilty Gear Petit The game takes place in 22th century. Scientists developed a new technique that allowed them to merge the DNA of humans and animals, producing powerful creatures known as "gears". The characters of the game participate in a tournament, the winner of which would face a gear who went out of control... Read more »
Guilty Gear Petit 2
Action, Anime / Manga, Arcade, Fighting, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Platform
Size: 1162 kb
Downloads: 1301
Guilty Gear Petit 2 In 22th century, scientists found a way to create artificial beings whom they called "gears". These gears were very powerful, but did not have wills of their own, and were completely obedient to the humans. However, a gear named Justice was able to free himself from the control and led a rebellion... Read more »
Size: 459 kb
Downloads: 469
GunPey Ex
Size: 315 kb
Downloads: 480
GunPey Ex  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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