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Dragon Crystal
Role-Playing (RPG), Medieval / Fantasy, Top-Down |
 Size: 62 kb
 Downloads: 414
Dragon Crystal is a dungeon crawler with RPG elements, along the lines of classics such as Rogue or Nethack. Without relying on a story, the game throws you into a randomly generated world which you should explore carefully - and most importantly, where you must survive! The complex, maze-like levels... Read more » |
Drop Zone
Action, Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter, Side-Scrolling |
 Size: 69 kb
 Downloads: 329
Dropzone was the first game to propel Archer Maclean to stardom. The game, originally written for the 8-bit Ataris, is basically a Defender clone, but popular because it so closely recreates the gameplay of the original Defender, with its speedy scrolling and frantic gameplay.The player is a spaceman... Read more » |
Dunk Kid's
 Size: 163 kb
 Downloads: 333
Dynamite Headdy
Action, Arcade, Fighting, Shooter, Platform |
 Size: 169 kb
 Downloads: 339
Dynamite Headdy is a platformer... with a difference. You control a little character whose main attack comes from his disembodied head. Yes, years before Rayman appeared, we already had a hero who used detachable appendages to attack his enemies.Rather than the traditional power-ups, Dynamite Headdy... Read more » |