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SNK Vs Capcom - Card Fighters Clash

DescriptionDescription Compete in the SC Card Fighters' Clash tournament with your Capcom deck in this NGPC card game. Collect the 300 cards from both SNK and Capcom franchises and duel and trade with your friends using the extensive link mode. With mechanics similar to CCGs such as Yu-Gi-Oh and popular characters from both SNK and Capcom, Card Fighters clash offers both collection and strategy gameplay. This game also allows linking with SNK vs. Capcom: Match of the Millennium to transfer collectible points.
Genre Role-Playing (RPG), Strategy, Anime / Manga, Cards, Fighting, Top-Down
SizeSize 863 kb
Release date: 1999
Developer: SNK Corporation
Publisher: SNK of America
User rating

Downloads 1179

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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