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Pinball Jam (1992)

DescriptionDescription Pinball Jam is a Lynx conversion of two pinball tables: "Elvira and the Party Monsters" (Midway, 1989), and "Police Force" (Williams, 1989). Both feature authentic table layouts, targets, and bonuses; the conversion of Elvira and the Party Monsters also features digitzed sound effects, including the voice of Cassandra Peterson (Elvira).Each table scrolls up and down during gameplay (as opposed to just "snapping" to a new area as the ball reaches it).
Genre Action, Arcade, Pinball, Top-Down
SizeSize 198 kb
Release date: 1992
Publisher: Atari Corporation
User rating

Downloads 566

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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