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Game Screenshot Brief description
O'Leary Manager 2000
Sports (Soccer / Football (European)), Managerial, Top-Down
Size: 166 kb
Downloads: 614
O'Leary Manager 2000 In 2000 Ubi Soft released two David O'Leary-licensed games. One, David O'Leary's Total Soccer 2000, based on the PC game with the same name. The other one was a manager game, O'Leary Manager 2000.The gameplay in O'Leary Manager 2000 is not only about the management aspects of football. It's a bit similar... Read more »
Oak Vs Gio V1.0 (Pokemon Yellow Hack)
Size: 440 kb
Downloads: 739
Oak Vs Gio V1.0 (Pokemon Yellow Hack)  
Size: 285 kb
Downloads: 579
Oddworld Adventures
Adventure, Puzzle-Solving, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, 3rd-Person Perspective, Side-Scrolling
Size: 94 kb
Downloads: 708
Oddworld Adventures In this side scroller, you play as Abe from Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. You have to save the paramites and scrabs from being turned into food by Ruptured Farms.You'll need to get to, and unlock, the outer temple door, get all the temple lights lit then get through the temple to save the paramites and scrabs.This... Read more »
Oddworld Adventures II
Size: 383 kb
Downloads: 793
Oddworld Adventures II  
Ohasuta Dance Dance Revolution GB
Size: 229 kb
Downloads: 628
Ohasuta Dance Dance Revolution GB  
Ohasuta Yamachan & Raymond
Size: 60 kb
Downloads: 597
Ohasuta Yamachan & Raymond  
Oide Rascal
Size: 127 kb
Downloads: 558
Oide Rascal  
Ojarumaru - Mitsunegai Jinja no Ennichi de Ojaru!
Size: 207 kb
Downloads: 594
Ojarumaru - Mitsunegai Jinja no Ennichi de Ojaru!  
Ojarumaru - Tsukiyo ga Ike no Takaramono
Size: 512 kb
Downloads: 602
Ojarumaru - Tsukiyo ga Ike no Takaramono  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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