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Game Screenshot Brief description
Hugo 2
Size: 80 kb
Downloads: 343
Hugo 2  
Hugo 2.5
Size: 263 kb
Downloads: 331
Hugo 2.5  
Humans, The
Strategy, Puzzle-Solving, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 329 kb
Downloads: 301
Humans, The Your job in this action puzzler is to help prehistoric man to evolve by helping them discover tools, the wheel, weapons, or even fire. Each level in the game will have a given task to help in this, and you are allotted a number of characters who must accomplish the task. The player can switch from person... Read more »
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - Topsy Turvy Games
Size: 151 kb
Downloads: 300
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The - Topsy Turvy Games  
Hunt for Red October, The
Size: 86 kb
Downloads: 324
Hunt for Red October, The  
Hunter X Hunter - Hunter no Keifu
Size: 374 kb
Downloads: 310
Hunter X Hunter - Hunter no Keifu  
Hunter X Hunter - Kindan no Hihou
Size: 373 kb
Downloads: 333
Hunter X Hunter - Kindan no Hihou  
Hype - The Time Quest
Size: 377 kb
Downloads: 339
Hype - The Time Quest  
Hyper Lode Runner
Size: 21 kb
Downloads: 375
Hyper Lode Runner  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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