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Game Screenshot Brief description
Pumuckl's Abenteuer im Geisterschloss
Size: 257 kb
Downloads: 307
Pumuckl's Abenteuer im Geisterschloss  
Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback
Size: 76 kb
Downloads: 339
Punisher, The - The Ultimate Payback  
Purikura Pocket - Fukanzen Joshikousei Manual
Size: 239 kb
Downloads: 302
Purikura Pocket - Fukanzen Joshikousei Manual  
Purikura Pocket 2 - Kareshi Kaizou Daisakusen
Size: 244 kb
Downloads: 292
Purikura Pocket 2 - Kareshi Kaizou Daisakusen  
Purikura Pocket 3 - Talent Debut Daisakusen
Size: 308 kb
Downloads: 318
Purikura Pocket 3 - Talent Debut Daisakusen  
Puyo Puyo
Action, Strategy, Puzzle-Solving, 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 105 kb
Downloads: 320
Puyo Puyo This is a falling pieces puzzle, Puyo Puyo originated on the MSX system and was later turned into an arcade hall version. Get four same-colored puyos touching each other to make them disappear. If more puyos of the same color are connected then they will disappear too. This game can be played simultaneously... Read more »
Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars
Size: 348 kb
Downloads: 317
Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars  
Puzzle de Shoubuyo! Wootama-chan
Size: 125 kb
Downloads: 257
Puzzle de Shoubuyo! Wootama-chan  
Puzzle Master
Size: 152 kb
Downloads: 300
Puzzle Master  
Puzzle Nintama Rantarou
Size: 69 kb
Downloads: 284
Puzzle Nintama Rantarou  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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