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Game Screenshot Brief description
Pachio Kun
Size: 56 kb
Downloads: 292
Pachio Kun  
Pachio Kun - Game Gallery
Size: 203 kb
Downloads: 283
Pachio Kun - Game Gallery  
Pachio Kun - Puzzle Castle
Size: 34 kb
Downloads: 281
Pachio Kun - Puzzle Castle  
Pachio Kun 2
Size: 53 kb
Downloads: 278
Pachio Kun 2  
Pachio Kun 3
Size: 62 kb
Downloads: 262
Pachio Kun 3  
Pagemaster, The
Size: 150 kb
Downloads: 300
Pagemaster, The  
Size: 47 kb
Downloads: 313
Painter Momo Pie
Size: 29 kb
Downloads: 294
Painter Momo Pie  
Strategy, Puzzle-Solving
Size: 18 kb
Downloads: 310
Palamedes The goal of Palamedes is to clear the screen which is, line by line, filling up with dice. Players control a small person situated near the bottom of the screen, who can only be moved to the left or right. The number of the dice the person is holding can be changed with the B button, pressing the A button... Read more »
Panel Action Bingo
Size: 26 kb
Downloads: 285
Panel Action Bingo  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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