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Game Screenshot Brief description
Mercenary Force
Size: 61 kb
Downloads: 340
Mercenary Force  
Size: 378 kb
Downloads: 330
Metal Gear Solid
Action, Adventure, Spy / Espionage, Stealth, Top-Down
Size: 1342 kb
Downloads: 1139
Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Solid (original Japanese name: Metal Gear: Ghost Babel) for GameBoy Color is not the same game as the popular Playstation/PC installment of the series. It is not set within the storyline of Metal Gear series, but instead tells an unrelated episode featuring the same hero - special agent Solid... Read more »
Metal Jack
Size: 65 kb
Downloads: 273
Metal Jack  
Metal Masters
Size: 46 kb
Downloads: 287
Metal Masters  
Metal Slug
Size: 150 kb
Downloads: 504
Metal Slug  
Metal Slug 2001
Size: 148 kb
Downloads: 476
Metal Slug 2001  
Metal Walker
Size: 477 kb
Downloads: 363
Metal Walker  
Size: 1095 kb
Downloads: 301
Metroid II - Destroyable Walls
Size: 94 kb
Downloads: 400
Metroid II - Destroyable Walls  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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