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Duke Nukem

DescriptionDescription Duke Nukem is an arcade/adventure game like none ever seen on an IBM PC. It features huge four-way, dual-scrolling playfields with realistic graphics, and animation.Duke is an amazing hero, who does flips and clings to ceilings. Help him save the world on his first action- packed adventure.
Genre Action, Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter, Platform, Side-Scrolling
SizeSize 611 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 160x144. View full size! Original size: 160x144. View full size!
Cheats and codes: Click here to see cheats and codes...
Release date: 1999
Developer: Torus Games Pty. Ltd.
Publisher: Atari, Inc.
User rating

Downloads 550

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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