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AirForce Delta

DescriptionDescription As a jet fighter pilot in a civil war, you'll take to the skies in a behind-the-plane view for 10 missions with a selection of up to 8 aircraft. Each mission earns money for your efforts. The money can then be can be used to purchase new planes and upgrades for those planes. To complete a mission, you must destroy a certain number of enemy aircraft or ground targets then destroy a boss air or ground craft. When you have beaten the boss, you can then use the money to add to your aircraft collection.
Genre Action, Arcade, Flight, Shooter, 3rd-Person Perspective
SizeSize 289 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 160x144. View full size! Original size: 160x144. View full size! Original size: 160x144. View full size!
Release date: Nov, 2000
Developer: Konami Corporation
Publisher: Konami of America, Inc.
User rating

Downloads 549

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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