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Game Screenshot Brief description
Motocross Maniacs Advance
Size: 1806 kb
Downloads: 655
Motocross Maniacs Advance  
Motoracer Advance
Size: 2201 kb
Downloads: 455
Motoracer Advance  
Mousetrap, Operation, Simon
Size: 1131 kb
Downloads: 360
Mousetrap, Operation, Simon  
Mr Nutz
Action, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1949 kb
Downloads: 454
Mr Nutz You are the cool squirrel of the title, and you must defeat the evil Yeti before he freezes the entire world. Your quest will make you explore many areas such as a forest, a witch's cottage, a volcano, the clouds, a circus...Mr. Nutz is a platform game, in which Nutz must jump on enemies to kill them.... Read more »
Mr. Driller 2
Strategy, Puzzle-Solving, Real-Time, Platform
Size: 2240 kb
Downloads: 608
Mr. Driller 2 You play the game as Susumu or Anna. Equipped with nothing but a pressurized suit and a drill, you need to contact the King of the Undergrounders. To do this, you will need to drill down several thousands of feet avoiding being crushed and remembering to pick up air tanks.This is a real-time puzzle game... Read more »
Mr. Driller A - Fushigi na Pacteria
Size: 3728 kb
Downloads: 957
Mr. Driller A - Fushigi na Pacteria  
Mr. Incredible
Size: 4963 kb
Downloads: 481
Mr. Incredible  
Mr. Incredible - Kyouteki Underminer Toujou
Size: 4038 kb
Downloads: 432
Mr. Incredible - Kyouteki Underminer Toujou  
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness
Size: 2443 kb
Downloads: 464
Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness  
Mucha Lucha! - Mascaritas of the Lost Code
Size: 1810 kb
Downloads: 411
Mucha Lucha! - Mascaritas of the Lost Code  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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