Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones
Description |
800 years ago, the sacred stones were used to defeat the Demon King. Sealing his soul inside the stones, peace was brought to the continent of Magvel and five nations were built around the power of the sacred stones.However, after 800 years of peace, the Grado Empire suddenly attacks his longtime ally Renais and a larger war threatens to break out. The player takes on the role of Prince Ephraim and his sister Princess Erika, two of the few survivors of Grado's attack, following their different paths through the story. Gameplay in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is similar to its predecessors or the Advance Wars games. The player controls several different units in tactical turn-based battles. There are many different classes ranging from knights, thieves and archers to paladins, wyvern riders, great knights and more. As in RPGs, units receive experience points for their actions and may choose to upgrade to a different class once they reach a high enough level.A key element in Fire Emblem's gameplay are the three different types of weapons and magic. One type of weapon or magic is always strong against one, and weak against another type.During battles, it is also possible to visit stores to buy equipment, or houses to gain hints.Sometimes neutral units will also participate in battle. They can be convinced to join the player's army if the right person talks to them.Unlike most similar games, when a unit dies in battle it is impossible to revive it. |
Genre |
Role-Playing (RPG), Strategy, Medieval / Fantasy, Turn-based, Top-Down |
Region |
Size |
9651 kb |
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Change equipped items of a character even if their turn is over. Take any of your units up to a certain character and select the trade command. Trade your weapon of choice to the top of the character's list of weapons. That weapon will now be equipped. This can come in handy when you realize you may need a different weapon then what is currently equipped. Flyers' Triangle Attack The Triangle Attack from Fire Emblem 7 is back, but there is a catch to using it this time around. To use it, surround the desired target on three sides with Vanessa, Tana, and Syrene (whom you must safely recruit in Chapter 17), then attack the enemy. For the Triangle Attack to occur, the two supporting flyers _must_ be Falcoknights. This means that you'll have to bite the bullet and promote either Vanessa or Tana into the Falcoknight class as opposed to a Wyvern Knight. The benefit to the Triangle Attack is that you'll get a guaranteed critical hit, and thus 3x the normal attacking damage practically whenever you want. Infinite Support To use this, go to the Tower of Valni and select four pairs of people who you want to have support each other, then start the battle, place the units that you want to have support each other in adjacent spaces and end your turn. Continue ending your turns until your units can support. After you support with all your units retreat from the Tower but DO NOT SAVE. Repeat this process until you have an A-rank suppport with your four pairs of units. Once you are done simply restart the mission you were on, but DO NOT SAVE. If done correctly your units should have no support records in thier stats, but when you go to support conversation in extras the support records will be there. Using this glitch I completed 100% support in a matter of hours. Member Card and Secret Shop (Ephraim Mode Ch. 14) To get the member card from Rennac you either steal it, kill him, or recruit him w/ Ephraim for 9980 gold or have L'Arachel talk to him without paying him. After getting the member card go to the left side of the stage where there is an archer holding an body ring(you have to steal the body ring). To the archers right will be the secret shop. Rennac/Member Card: Chapter 14 (Eirika Mode) When you unlock the door to the far right on Chapter 14, you will see a rogue named Rennac. He holds the member card for the secret shop. To get it, you must recruit him, kill him, or steal it. If you kill him, he will drop it, but you will miss a valuable character. If you steal it, he has the opportunity to kill you, so do so at your own risk. If you recruit him with Eirika, you will have to pay 10,000g. If you recruit him with L'Arachel, he will be free, which is a big advantage. He doesn't need a lockpick to open chests and doors, and is a fairly decent fighter. Secret Shop (Ch. 19) On the right side of the stage(where there are 3 chests in a verticle line) there will be a revesed-upside down L. The secret shop will be on the right square. Secret Shop (Chapter 14 Eirika Mode) After you get the Secret Card, look near the boss. There are two upside down "L" shaped things. On the little part of the one on the left, there is a secret shop. Have someone with the member card in their inventory stop there to acess the shop.
Unlimited secret books/spears When you have cleared chapter 19, go to the Ruins. When you enter retreat and save. then reset the game. If you now enter the ruins, the first wight will carry an secret book. This ONLY work when you have saved while standing on the ruins on the map and reset then. If you enter the tower the same way (enter, retreat, save end re-enter) the bonewalker left of the boss will carry an spear. NOTE: This doesn't work after you cleared chapter 20 |
Infinite turns on Monster Maps In any free map that has damage tiles, kill every monster or unit except for one. Then, position a few of your units alongside the damage tiles, and remove their equipment, either by discarding it, or trading it to somebody else. If it works, the game's Enemy Ai will move the last unit on top of the damage tile. It will then proceed to attack any units it can, until it dies from the damage received by the damage tile. Once the creature dies, the glitch activates. Even though there's no enemies left on the map, the game doesn't recognize the last monster as "dead", and the match continues until you either Suspend and Restart, or Retreat from the fight. If this occours during the actual story mode, as opposed to a Monster Map, the current chapter will become unbeatable, requiring you to restart the chapter. Restore any item to new condition (including Dragonstone) Use the Control Enemy glitch to have a monster with a flashing green "spoils" item in its inventory take the item you want restored from Supply. After making sure that your item is on the bottom of the list and is flashing green as if it were spoils, kill that monster. The monster will drop your item, however it will be totally new. This trick can also be used on gorgon eggs, but the first item on the list will dissapear, and you must trade with them again after they hatch to regain the item. This glitch can even restore the Dragonstone. |
Release date: |
07.10.2004 |
Developer: |
Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd. |
Publisher: |
Nintendo Co., Ltd. |
User rating |
Downloads |
1477 |