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Banjo-Kazooie - Grunty's Revenge

DescriptionDescription Gruntilda has returned to create more havoc for Banjo and Kazooie. In their first handheld adventure, the two must again team up to take on the evil witch and end her terror once and for all.Six worlds await as you control Banjo through each environment, fighting with various enemies and solving puzzles to reach the final showdown. Kazooie tags along and can be used in certain situations to aid your task.
Genre Adventure, Puzzle-Solving, Isometric, Platform
SizeSize 4196 kb
Other regions and versions Banjo-Kazooie - Grunty's Revenge [http протокол] (4221 kb)
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 240x160. View full size! Original size: 240x160. View full size! Original size: 240x160. View full size! Original size: 240x160. View full size!
Release date: 12.09.2003
Developer: Rare, Ltd.
Publisher: THQ, Inc.
User rating

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  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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