Change Addie's Outfit Stand in front of Addie's wardrobe and press B. A password entry screen will appear and you can change Addie's outfit by entering the following paswords Password | Effect | 4B20C5 | Outfit number 1 | N5J8HZ | Outfit number 2 | Z16DB5 | Outfit number 3 | M519FH | Outfit number 4 | Level passwords Select continue form the main menu and enter these passwords to get to different stages of the game Password | Effect | Ben, Geena, Addie, Brandywine | "Addie's Dream" | Geena, Zach, Zach, Brandywine | "Wild Style Performance" | Brandywine, Geena, Geena, Zach | Addie discovers the punch is spiked | Addie, Geena, Addie, Ben | Addie gets into a dissagreement about the talent show | Ben, Addie, Zach, Brandywine | Addie plays with the Roundabouts | Brandywine, Geena, Addie, Ben | Addie prepairs for a party | Brandywine, Zach, Brandywine, Geena | Addie recieves the flyer for the talent show | Brandywine, Addie, Addie, Zach | Addie teams up with Cranberry and Maris | Zach, Brandywine, Addie, Addie, | End of the game | Ben, Zach, Ben, Addie | Mini Game | Geena, Ben, Addie, Ben | View the credits | |