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Rock n' Roll Racing

DescriptionDescription Rock 'n Roll Racing is an arcade combat racing game. Combat plays a heavy role in the game, as each car has a frontal weapon, such as a laser or missile, and a drop weapon, such as spikes or mines. As you complete races, you get more money to upgrade your car.The soundtrack features "Born to Be Wild," "Bad to the Bone," "The Peter Gunn Theme," "Highway Star" and "Paranoid."
Genre Racing / Driving, Arcade, Shooter, Isometric
SizeSize 2562 kb
Other regions and versions Rock n' Roll Racing [http протокол] (2562 kb)
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 240x160. View full size! Original size: 240x160. View full size!
Release date: 23.06.2003
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment Inc.
User rating

Downloads 1127

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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