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Rayman 3

DescriptionDescription Rayman returns in an all new adventure with all new abilities, but the same classic humor.Globox, a friend of Rayman, has placed the world into a deadly possibility. By eating the Lord of the Dark Lums, Globox has enraged the Hoodlums, who plan to take back their master no matter what the cost to the world around them.It's up to Rayman to save the day and find a cure to rid the Dark Lord from Globox. New abilities, thanks to power ups littered around the levels, allow Rayman to use the likes of Heavy Metal Fist and the Shock Rocket to take down enemies around him the ease, while the lock jaw allows Rayman to get to hard to reach places.The Game Boy Advance Rayman 3 links to the Gamecube through the link port, allowing you to play exclusive mini-games on both systems, and download new levels to the GBA.
Genre Action, Adventure, Puzzle-Solving, 3rd-Person Perspective, Platform, Side-Scrolling
SizeSize 4596 kb
Other regions and versions Rayman 3 [http протокол] (4596 kb)
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 240x160. View full size! Original size: 240x160. View full size!
Release date: 20.02.2003
Developer: Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
Publisher: Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
User rating

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  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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