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Game Screenshot Brief description
NHL '94
Sports (Hockey), 3rd-Person Perspective, Top-Down
Size: 682 kb
Downloads: 396
NHL '94 This update of EA's hockey series once again features the NHL license. New features include: Goalie control by the player, penalty shots, new slap shots, new organ music, new animations and more. Gone are the fights from the previous games.The game features all teams and players from the 1993-1994 season,... Read more »
NHL '95
Size: 624 kb
Downloads: 408
NHL '95  
NHL '96
Size: 948 kb
Downloads: 385
NHL '96  
NHL '97
Size: 1029 kb
Downloads: 456
NHL '97  
NHL '98
Size: 1072 kb
Downloads: 784
NHL '98  
NHL Stanley Cup
Sports (Hockey), 3rd-Person Perspective
Size: 666 kb
Downloads: 4518
NHL Stanley Cup This early SNES title is one of the first hockey titles to simulate 3 dimensions by using the SNES mode 7 SNES technology. It contains all 26 NHL teams at the time with varying strengths and weaknesses. It doesn't have the players association license, but all of the player numbers and abilities were... Read more »
NHLPA Hockey '93
Sports (Hockey), 3rd-Person Perspective, Top-Down
Size: 307 kb
Downloads: 389
NHLPA Hockey '93 The second part in Electronic Arts' hockey series. It features the NHLPA license (so it has real player names), but not the NHL license (so it doesn't have NHL team names).Gameplay is altered only slightly over the predecessor. Regular season and Playoff modes are available. Goalies have improved AI,... Read more »
Nice de Shot
Size: 455 kb
Downloads: 386
Nice de Shot  
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics
Size: 244 kb
Downloads: 398
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics  
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2 - Heiankyo Alien
Size: 218 kb
Downloads: 389
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2 - Heiankyo Alien  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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