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Game Screenshot Brief description
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament
Action, Racing / Driving, Arcade, Top-Down
Size: 778 kb
Downloads: 956
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament The second game of the Micro Machines series. Like in its predecessor, you behind the steering wheel of an extremely small car. You race around on interesting places, like a table, a treehouse and many more. The control of the cars is sometimes quite difficult, especially if you don't know the tracks... Read more »
Might and Magic II - Gates to Another World
Role-Playing (RPG), Turn-based, 1st-Person Perspective
Size: 1031 kb
Downloads: 4862
Might and Magic II - Gates to Another World The Sequel to the successful Might and Magic I, it boasted better graphics, a larger world, but still pretty much the same game engine and presentation. Embark on a glorious journey then save the world of CRON and yourself.
Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra
Role-Playing (RPG), Turn-based, 1st-Person Perspective
Size: 993 kb
Downloads: 5955
Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra The third installment of the roleplaying series, with a multi-faceted plot full of twists and turns. Ease of use was central to the gameplay and interface, and the plot included piles of new twists and turns.Lead a party of adventurers to rendezvous with the legendary wizard Corak. From dark moldy dungeons,... Read more »
Mighty Max
Size: 706 kb
Downloads: 575
Mighty Max  
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Action, Fighting, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1017 kb
Downloads: 1486
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers This is a one-on-one fighting game for one or two players. Single players pick a Ranger (Red, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Black, or the unlockable Green) and take him or her through a series of battles against Rita's monsters. After one normal battle, the monster grows very large, and then it is time to take... Read more »
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition
Action, Fighting, Side-Scrolling
Size: 886 kb
Downloads: 1186
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition is a game directly based on the world-known television series. In this game, you can choice among 8 playable characters: the Power Rangers' Zords (Thunder Megazord, Mega Tigerzord, Ninja Megazord, Shogun Megazord) or some of their known villains (Lipsyncher,... Read more »
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Size: 847 kb
Downloads: 1197
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie  
Size: 1324 kb
Downloads: 391
Mini Yonku Let's & Go!! - Power WGP 2
Size: 993 kb
Downloads: 457
Mini Yonku Let's & Go!! - Power WGP 2  
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion - Let's & Go!!
Size: 1736 kb
Downloads: 789
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion - Let's & Go!!  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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