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Game Screenshot Brief description
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish
Action, Arcade, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 855 kb
Downloads: 542
James Pond 3 - Operation Starfish Unlike the first game of the series, that was a mission-based game, and the second one, where your character had unique abilities such as observing the whole level and growing to unlimited height, "James Pond 3" is a standard jump and run platform game. Pond can run very quickly (by holding... Read more »
Size: 141 kb
Downloads: 376
Sports (Basketball), 3rd-Person Perspective, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1105 kb
Downloads: 447
Jammit As the name implies, this is strictly a basketball game. It has a black-basketball theme (as seen in a lot of odd American movies) and has a myriad of game options (one on one, group etc.).

Also, it has a betting option, but other than that it's your typical run-of-the-mill basketball game.

Janyuuki Gokuu Randa
Size: 478 kb
Downloads: 384
Janyuuki Gokuu Randa  
JB The Super Bass
Size: 1335 kb
Downloads: 359
JB The Super Bass  
Jelly Boy
Size: 654 kb
Downloads: 438
Jelly Boy  
Jelly Boy 2
Size: 908 kb
Downloads: 362
Jelly Boy 2  
Size: 516 kb
Downloads: 511
Jetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates
Size: 1139 kb
Downloads: 577
Jetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates  
Jikkyou Keiba Simulation - Stable Star
Size: 2619 kb
Downloads: 380
Jikkyou Keiba Simulation - Stable Star  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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