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Game Screenshot Brief description
Spider-Man & Venom - Separation Anxiety
Action, Comics, 3rd-Person Perspective, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 1127 kb
Downloads: 1287
Spider-Man & Venom - Separation Anxiety Separation Anxiety is a side scrolling beat'em up game, featuring characters and stories taken from the Spiderman comics. The story is loosely based on a mini series of comics about Venom. In this game, the player(s) gets to choose between controlling Spider-Man, or his on and off again foe Venom. As... Read more »
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge
Size: 609 kb
Downloads: 1236
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge  
Spindizzy Worlds
Size: 478 kb
Downloads: 465
Spindizzy Worlds On it's most basic level, Spindizzy Worlds is, like its predecessor, similar to Marble Madness. Controlling GERALD, you must move through the isometrically viewed landscape (largely flick-screen on the ST). There are two skill levels; the harder one features more of the precarious ledges and falls of... Read more »
Action, Comics, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 988 kb
Downloads: 427
Spirou This is a simple platform game, you're in a role of porter, jumping down the streets and buildings, and taking as many points as you can get. There's no strong background story.
Sporting News Power Baseball, The
Size: 687 kb
Downloads: 336
Sporting News Power Baseball, The  
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball
Size: 1259 kb
Downloads: 322
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball  
Spriggan Powered
Size: 678 kb
Downloads: 919
Spriggan Powered  
Sprinter Monogatari - Mezase!! Ikkaku Senkin
Size: 689 kb
Downloads: 349
Sprinter Monogatari - Mezase!! Ikkaku Senkin  
St. Andrews - Eikou to Rekishi no Old Course
Size: 832 kb
Downloads: 325
St. Andrews - Eikou to Rekishi no Old Course  
St.Giga 10 Gatsu Gou
Size: 295 kb
Downloads: 351
St.Giga 10 Gatsu Gou  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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