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Lode Runner Twin - Justy to Liberty no Daibouken

DescriptionDescription All the king's candy has been stolen by invaders who live down in the dungeon. The king summons twin heroes: Justy and Liberty to try to get it back.Lode Runner Twin: Justy to Liberty no Daibouken is a side-scrolling platform game, adapted for the SNES from the original Lode Runner. However the atmosphere has changed to a lot more cartoonish and happy. Controlling either Justy or Liberty, the player is able to move back and forth, climb ladders, cross ropes and dig holes in some types of surface. The enemies then fall into these holes and the player can walk over them. The goal in each level is to get all the candy.There is also a battle mode that puts Justy versus Liberty to see who can fetch the most candy.
SizeSize 408 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 597x448. View full size! Original size: 597x448. View full size! Original size: 597x448. View full size! Original size: 597x448. View full size! Original size: 597x448. View full size! Original size: 597x448. View full size!
Release date: 1994
User rating

Downloads 689

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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