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3x3 Eyes - Juuma Houkan

DescriptionDescription The game is based on the manga series 3x3 Eyes. Long time ago, in ancient China, a group of people discovered the secret of immortality. They became San Zhi Yan (Sanjiyan in Japanese pronunciation), or "three-eyed ones", and possessed supernatural powers that were manifested in a third eye each one of them had. One of the San Zhi Yan, a girl named Pai, longed to become a normal human again. She was aided by the Japanese scientist and explorer Fujii, who mysteriously disappeared in Tibet some time. Fujii's son, Yakumo, became connected to Pai by merging his soul with her and becoming a wu, an immortal being. Now they both travel around the world, trying to regain their human essence, and having their base in Hong-Kong, working for Li Lingling, the head of the Monster Fighting Agency.This game follows the story of volumes 8 to 11 of the manga. Lingling discovers a letter left by Fujii, where he reports about a strange tribe that can control beasts. Yakumo is ordered to travel to Nepal, but first he has to find more information about the mysterious tribe by contacting people in Hong-Kong.The game is a mixture of puzzle-solving adventure and platform action, with the emphasis on the first. Yakumo moves around the gameworld, picking objects and manipulating them in order to solve puzzles, and talking to characters. But he can also jump, climb on ladders, run, and sometimes fight enemies in platform-style.
Genre Action, Adventure, Anime / Manga, Puzzle-Solving, 3rd-Person Perspective, Platform
SizeSize 1072 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size!
Release date: 22.12.1995
Developer: Banpresto Co.,Ltd.
Publisher: Banpresto Co.,Ltd.
User rating

Downloads 7739

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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