Based on the successful cartoon 'Beavis and Butthead',
the game is very faithful to the series.It game stars at the home of Beavis and Butthead - and from there you can choose to go to different locations like: Turbo mall 2000, the street, burger world, hospital, GWAR concert and more...
your main goal is to find money to the GWAR concert.
To enter Burger World type BUTTHEAD in the lock at the employers door.
Other bomb uses
The bomb is not only used to blow up the drink machine at the drive-in theater. If you're low on health and you're desperate to get some without risking your life to kill enemies, use the bomb to blow up toilets. It will leave behind food to get a little healthier. Toilets are found in these stages:
1.) The Drive-in 2.) The Ice Cream Shoppe in the Turbo Mall 2000 3.) The lavatory at Highland High
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen at the options menu: