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Maten Densetsu

DescriptionDescription "Maten no Soumetsu" tells the story of a young boy (you can name him as you like) who was found in the forest by a warrior named Zafan. Zafan takes the boy into his home, where he grows up, unaware of this story. When he reaches the age of sixteen, Zafan dies, attacked by monsters. He sends his adoptive son to visit the king of the country, to follow the way of the warrior - and perhaps to discover his true origins...This is a traditional Japanese RPG set in a medieval environment, with randomly appearing enemies whom you fight in turn-based style, viewing the battle field from first-person perspective. During your journey through the country you'll meet other characters who will join your party. There is a night/day cycle in the game.Not to confuse with the post-apocalyptic RPG Maten Densetsu for SNES.
Genre Adventure, Role-Playing (RPG), Medieval / Fantasy, Turn-based, 1st-Person Perspective, 3rd-Person Perspective, Top-Down
SizeSize 617 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 320x224. View full size! Original size: 320x224. View full size!
Release date: 29.12.1993
Developer: Kodansha Ltd.
Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
User rating

Downloads 601

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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