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Rayman 2 - The Great Escape

DescriptionDescription A gang of pirates have invaded Rayman's world to sieze its unique creatures and sell them to an intergalactic circus, our mighty hero, Rayman, has been captured and stripped of his powers Rayman flees captivity and embarks on a dangerous mission to return to his conquered world, here he must liberate all of his imprisone friends from the pirates.Just Like Bugs bunny:lost in time, Its Fully 3D rendered with action , adventure and mind twisting puzzles!You will face many hazards during the quest to free Rayman's Friends.
Genre Action, 3rd-Person Perspective, Platform, Side-Scrolling
SizeSize 14722 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 320x240. View full size! Original size: 320x240. View full size! Original size: 320x240. View full size!
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Release date: 31.10.1999
Developer: Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
Publisher: Ubi Soft Entertainment Software
User rating

Downloads 3543

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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