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Game Screenshot Brief description
Huang Di
Size: 123 kb
Downloads: 364
Huang Di  
Huang Jin Tai Yang
Size: 269 kb
Downloads: 352
Huang Jin Tai Yang  
Hudson Hawk
Action, 3rd-Person Perspective, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 114 kb
Downloads: 2059
Hudson Hawk Hudson Hawk, a cat burglar, has a mission: steal three of Da Vinci's works of art, which include a rocking horse known as "The Sforza", his sketchbook that he called "The Codex", and a precious crystal. The mission will take him through a mansion, castles, rooftops, subways, and the... Read more »
Hudson's Adventure Island
Action, Arcade, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 102 kb
Downloads: 15892
Hudson's Adventure Island In the South Pacific, Master Higgins lives peacefully wearing only a grass skirt and a cap. That is until the Evil Witch Doctor decides to capture the Princess Leilani and hold her as his own. It's up to Master Higgins to gather throwing axes, fireballs and skateboards in order to aid his noble quest.The... Read more »
Hudson's Adventure Island II
Action, Arcade, Shooter, Top-DownAction, Arcade, Platform, Side-ScrollingAction, Arcade, 3rd-Person PerspectiveAction, Shooter, Tank, Top-DownAction, Arcade, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Shooter, Platform, Side-ScrollingAction, Arcade, Shooter, Tank, Platfor
Size: 124 kb
Downloads: 8123
Hudson's Adventure Island II  
Hudson's Adventure Island III
Action, Arcade, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 128 kb
Downloads: 8370
Hudson's Adventure Island III Sequel to two classic jump-and-run games. Your girlfriend is once again kidnapped by aliens, and you have to rescue her, forcing your way through various levels.The gameplay and the design haven't much changed since Adventure Island II : there is a world map, you can choose items before starting a level,... Read more »
Huge Insect
Size: 24 kb
Downloads: 381
Huge Insect  
Hunt for Red October, The
Action, Arcade, Naval, Shooter, Side-Scrolling
Size: 110 kb
Downloads: 2568
Hunt for Red October, The Based on the movie of the same name, the Soviet Union have been building in secret a Typhoon-class submarine with nuclear strike capabilities. This war machine has been named the Red October. While on it's trial run, the captain, Marko Ramius has hijacked the submarine along with it's crew. They plan... Read more »
Hunting for Red October
Size: 100 kb
Downloads: 436
Hunting for Red October  
Size: 77 kb
Downloads: 404

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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