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Game Screenshot Brief description
Wizards & Warriors
Action, Medieval / Fantasy, Platform
Size: 108 kb
Downloads: 3885
Wizards & Warriors You are Kuros, a powerful knight who enter the woods of Elrond.

Legend says that a powerful wizard named Malkil has has gone completely mad during his years and turned his powerful magic to the dark side.

Malkil has his base on the castle IronSpire where he has imprisoned a young and beautiful princess.... Read more »

Wizards & Warriors III - Kuros - Visions of Power
Action, Adventure, Medieval / Fantasy, Side-Scrolling
Size: 162 kb
Downloads: 706
Wizards & Warriors III - Kuros - Visions of Power The third installment of Wizards & Warriors for the NES divulges during the intro that the evil wizard Malkil was not actually vanquished at the end of the second game. In fact, after the mighty battle with the hero Kuros, Malkil retreated to a nearby self-contained castle kingdom and conducted a... Read more »
Size: 89 kb
Downloads: 2249
Woody Poko
Size: 64 kb
Downloads: 393
Woody Poko  
World Boxing
Size: 106 kb
Downloads: 429
World Boxing  
World Champ
Sports (Boxing)
Size: 88 kb
Downloads: 1594
World Champ A boxing game from Romstar that has many similarities to Data East's Ring King. You can play a one player "Ranking" mode, where you can build your boxer's stats up while climbing the ladder to eventually challenge for a championship in one of the four weight classes. There is also a two player... Read more »
World Games
Size: 66 kb
Downloads: 1764
World Games  
World Hero
Size: 234 kb
Downloads: 439
World Hero  
World Heroes 2
Size: 223 kb
Downloads: 397
World Heroes 2  
World of Card Game, The
Size: 14 kb
Downloads: 343
World of Card Game, The  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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