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Game Screenshot Brief description
Tsuppari Oozumou
Size: 40 kb
Downloads: 384
Tsuppari Oozumou  
Tsuppari Wars
Size: 65 kb
Downloads: 357
Tsuppari Wars  
Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen
Size: 48 kb
Downloads: 378
Tsuri Kichi Sanpei - Blue Marlin Hen  
Tsuru Pika Hagemaru - Mezase! Tsuru Seko no Akashi
Size: 116 kb
Downloads: 365
Tsuru Pika Hagemaru - Mezase! Tsuru Seko no Akashi  
Twin Cobra
Action, Arcade, Helicopter, Shooter, Top-Down
Size: 83 kb
Downloads: 1504
Twin Cobra Conversion of the Toaplan original game, this conversion is based on the Japanese 1 player version (Ultimate Tiger).You pilot the TC-17 Twin Cobra assault helicopter to fight the forces of Commander Anziga, the myopic leader of the nation of Kaban. Your job is to fly into Kaban and take out the entire... Read more »
Twin Eagle
Action, Arcade, Shooter, 3rd-Person Perspective, Top-Down
Size: 69 kb
Downloads: 1927
Twin Eagle Twin Eagle is a vertically scrolling arcade style shooter. You control a helicopter, and need to earn points by shooting or bombing the various (and numerous!) enemies you'll encounter. Planes, helicopters, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, foot soldiers, and more will all be trying to bring your mission to... Read more »
Size: 39 kb
Downloads: 962
TwinBee 3 - Poko Poko Dai Maou
Size: 131 kb
Downloads: 735
TwinBee 3 - Poko Poko Dai Maou  
U-Force Test Cartridge
Size: 2 kb
Downloads: 773
U-Force Test Cartridge  
U-four-ia - The Saga
Size: 138 kb
Downloads: 1034
U-four-ia - The Saga  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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