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Game Screenshot Brief description
Toxic Crusaders
Action, Fighting, Horror, Sci-Fi / Futuristic, Side-Scrolling
Size: 119 kb
Downloads: 2826
Toxic Crusaders Based on Troma's cartoon series of the same name, the Toxic Crusaders protect the city of Tromaville against the plots of the alien Dr. Killemoff and his Radiation Rangers. That is, until Killemoff captures all of the Toxic Crusaders save one. As Toxie, you must "mop up" Killemoff's forces... Read more »
Track & Field
Size: 55 kb
Downloads: 1073
Track & Field  
Track & Field 2
Size: 183 kb
Downloads: 762
Track & Field 2  
Transformers - Comvoy no Nazo
Size: 33 kb
Downloads: 1053
Transformers - Comvoy no Nazo  
Treasure Master
Action, Platform, Side-Scrolling
Size: 101 kb
Downloads: 1888
Treasure Master Treasure Master is a side-scrolling action game that sends your character on a quest of treasure acquisition. Jump your way through a variety of world environments including the islands, microprocessor-level circuitry, and the moon, and accumulate all of the material wealth you can possibly amass. You... Read more »
Triathron, The
Size: 108 kb
Downloads: 442
Triathron, The  
Action, Arcade, Top-Down
Size: 72 kb
Downloads: 2207
Trog Long ago, back in the days of cavemen and dinosaurs, there was a land called Og. In this land, hungry one-eyed cavemen, called Trogs, loved the taste of eggs. However, two Dino-Mites, Spike and Bloop, were determined to rescue the eggs from certain doom!Up to two players can play in a race to gather... Read more »
Action, Arcade, Fighting, Side-Scrolling
Size: 99 kb
Downloads: 1627
Trojan The world is ruled by a vicious warlord named Achiless and his henchmen. You are Ryu, the master of martial arts and sword-fighting, who has decided that a confrontation with Achilles is in order to bring peace and order back to the world. Your character is equipped with both a sword (for offense) and... Read more »
Trolls in Crazyland, The
Size: 157 kb
Downloads: 1153
Trolls in Crazyland, The  
Trolls on Treasure Island
Size: 31 kb
Downloads: 424
Trolls on Treasure Island  

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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