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Terminator, The

DescriptionDescription The Terminator loosely follows the plot of the 1984 Arnold Schwarzenegger film. The game begins in the future, where the hero Kyle Reese must battle through a post-apocalyptic future in order to go back in time to 1984 Los Angeles. Once there, he must progress through various checkpoints as outlined by the main movie plot: Find Sarah Connor, shootout at the police station, and the climax in the factory. The main levels of the game consist of side-scrolling jumping and shooting action. In between levels are car chases where the Terminator attempts to run you down as you race to your next destination.
Genre Action, Racing / Driving, Post-Apocalyptic, Side-Scrolling
SizeSize 121 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 256x232. View full size! Original size: 256x232. View full size!
Release date: Dec, 1992
Developer: Radical Entertainment Inc.
Publisher: Mindscape, Inc.
User rating

Downloads 2950

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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