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Top Gun

DescriptionDescription The Tom Cruise film featured an F-14 Tomcat plane, and this licensed game recreates this. Viewed from the cockpit in full 3D, the game is a straight head-to-head duel, against another player or the computer. You are armed with missiles (while put you in control of a small target zone, which must reman over your opponent for 3 seconds), flares and cannons (which overheat when overused)- use these more wisely than your opponent. Pay attention to speed and altitude too. The computer has 3 planes to throw at you, of which the last is the toughest, while each player in a 2-player game also has 3 'lives'.
Genre Action, Simulation, Flight, 1st-Person Perspective
SizeSize 89 kb
ScreenshotsScreenshots Original size: 256x240. View full size! Original size: 256x240. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size! Original size: 175x153. View full size!
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Release date: Nov, 1987
Developer: Konami Corporation
Publisher: Konami Corporation
User rating

Downloads 15697

  Authors: svd, Dremora, neoforma

E-mail: svd@step.lv

Design: Alexander Kalichava

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